Placetel integration
Placetel现在已是LiveAgent的合作伙伴。 所以,您可以轻松使用LiveAgent呼叫中心的Placetel VoIP号码。

在LiveAgent添加Placetel VoIP号码需要多少钱?
在LiveAgent 添加Placetel是免费的。不过Placetel的服务会单独收费。
1. 获取Placetel VoIP 号码
2. 登录 LiveAgent 帐户
3. 点击配置 – 呼叫 – 号码 – (+)
4. 搜索 Placetel
5.填入 必要信息
6. 点击ADD,立即使用VoIP号码

- 效率更高
- 客户体验更好
- 价格实惠
- 可以在多个设备使用
- 免费添加

Don't have LiveAgent yet?
No problem! LiveAgent offers a 30-day free trial where you can test the free Placetel integration!
Frequently Asked Questions
什么是LiveAgent - Placetel集成?
连接您的Placetel VoIP号码到LiveAgent的费用是多少?
对于连接Placetel VoIP号码与LiveAgent的呼叫中心,LiveAgent不收取任何额外的费用。
简单的答案是,您的VoIP电话有着几乎相同的工作原理。然而,主要的区别是您的入站式呼叫和出站式呼叫是通过您的互联网连接的。如今, 由于宽带网络的改善,它变得更可靠了。但是,请记住,这还是取决于您的互联网供应商。
Discover Yootel's seamless VoIP integration with LiveAgent, enhancing your call center operations with reliable connectivity and advanced features. Established in 2012, Yootel offers professional-grade communication solutions, ensuring excellent support and interaction. Visit to learn how to effortlessly integrate and benefit from Yootel's services to improve customer relations.
Discover seamless communication integration with Virtual-Call, a premier Swiss provider offering top-tier cloud PBX, SIP trunking, and Microsoft Teams direct routing. Serving businesses across Austria, Brazil, Germany, Switzerland, the UK, and Ireland, Virtual-Call ensures cost-effective, scalable, and secure telephony solutions. Experience enhanced connectivity and superior customer service with LiveAgent integration, available for a 30-day free trial. Visit now to transform your business communication!