虽然 客户感谢 电子邮件也是向客户表示感谢的好方法,但通常会阅读电子邮件(如果在全部)并删除。但是,精心制作的印刷感谢卡/手写感谢信更有可能至少保留一段时间并作为您品牌的提醒。这是一种有效的营销策略,可以真正打动客户,提高他们的忠诚度,并为您的业务带来更多推荐。
根据您的业务类型和规模,您可以考虑发送印刷的商务感谢卡或手写感谢信。对于希望感谢 500 多个客户的大型组织而言,印刷卡片自然更有意义。手写笔记更适合拥有适度客户群的小型企业、个体创业者、个人服务和 B2B 公司。
一般来说,如果时间、预算和资源允许,手写客户感谢信将是更好的选择,因为它总是会产生更大的影响。手写笔记的真实性可以让客户感受到真正的特别和情感投入。在许多行业中,情感被认为是忠诚度的最大驱动力。事实上,CapGemini 的一项研究发现,70%情感投入的消费者在他们忠诚的品牌上花费最多两倍或更多。此外,80% 的人会在家人和朋友中推广他们忠诚的品牌。
商务感谢卡 – 模板
给客户的感谢卡写什么?下面是一些商业感谢卡 – 您可以将这些模板用作创建自己的感谢卡/笔记的基础。
Hi ****,
Just a note to say hello and to let you know how grateful we are for having you as our loyal customer for the past few years.
We truly enjoy working with entrepreneurs like you who are committed to growing their successful business and we wanted to thank you for letting us help you.
Best wishes,
Hey ****,
I’ve noticed your name come up quite a few times in recent months, so I just thought I’d take the time to personally thank you.
Judging by your purchases, I must admit you have an excellent taste in clothes! Remember that you can always swap them over if something doesn’t fit.
Take care,
Dear ****,
Over half of my business comes from repeat clients and referrals. I greatly appreciate you thinking of me and sending a new client my way. I am sure I can help your friend find that unique beachfront home he is looking for. I already have a few beautiful properties in mind to show him.
Thanks again for your trust!
All the best,
有几种方法可以表达对客户的感激之情。 客户感谢卡和笔记是客户感谢的重要组成部分。 但是,还有许多其他方法。例如;优惠券、折扣、免费产品/服务等等。
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